Monday, July 15, 2024

Zen Inspired Video Installations at New York JFK's Delta One Lounge by Video/Sound Installation Artist & Photographer Cheryl Maeder


Cheryl Maeder‘s The Portal exhibition features 13 zen-inspired short films at New York's JFK Delta One Lounge, delighting travelers. Video/Sound Installation Artist & Photographer Cheryl Maeder is known for her conceptual style of photography, video/sound art and filmmaking. Her video art inspires airport lounge guests at Fort Lauderdale and Los Angeles Airports and in the near future Miami.

The artist’s work is captivating, optimistic and meaningful. There is something deeply touching in Maeder’s video installations, something that penetrates the heart of every human being. “I work from the inside-out, therefore my style is very fluid and changes as I grow and move forward. In my photographs and video installations, I am currently focusing on Connection. Connection to ourselves, each other, other beings on this planet and the environment. We are the most fulfilled when we operate in a state of connection,” said the artist.

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